Design and Construction of a Turnkey Treatment Plant in the Context of the Hann Bay Remediation Project / Financing: Donation: Netherlands Entreprise Agency (Rvo / Drive) and Loan
This follows to the General Procurement Notice published in the daily newspaper
""Le Soleil"" of 25 January 2018.
The Government of the Republic of
Senegal has obtained from the French Development Agency (AFD)
and from the Dutch Agency for the enterprise (RVO) with the
DRIVE program, and from the State of Senegal funding to carry out part of the
project to clean up Hann Bay, Dakar, Senegal. The European Union is also
instructing additional funding through a delegation of funds to AFD.
The National Office of Sanitation of
Senegal (ONAS), Project Owner, intends to allocate part of this funding to the
Sewage Treatment Plant component for the design and construction of a
wastewater treatment plant ( STEP).
As a reminder, as part of its investment
program aimed at meeting the needs for sanitation and wastewater treatment
dictated by the urban and socio-economic development of the city of Dakar, ONAS
is carrying out the first phase of the project. remediation of the Bay of Hann
consisting of:
- the realization of sanitation networks
aimed at strengthening the connection rates to the sewerage networks (Secondary
industrial and household networks);
- the construction of a 15 km interceptor acting
as a system for the transfer of raw wastewater to the proposed WWTP;
- the realization of a STEP;
- the realization of a system of discharge
at sea (emissary at sea).
The invitation to tender for the
design / construction of the WWTP will be governed by the procedures and
eligibility criteria of the aforementioned donors and the State of Senegal.
The Client intends to pre-qualify companies
for the design and construction of works and equipment that will allow the
treatment of water, sludge and biogas sectors as follows:
- Water sector: pretreatment (screening,
grit removal and deoiling), primary treatment (primary settling), secondary
treatment (the latter component being conditional in implementation);
- Sludge die: extraction, thickening,
anaerobic sludge digestion and mechanical sludge dewatering, some of which is
conditional in production;
- Biogas sector: biogas treatment and
recovery (heating and cogeneration systems), some of which is conditional on
The completion of Tranche 1 of the
treatment plant concerns a capacity of structures corresponding to the 2026
horizon. It includes pretreatment, primary treatment with anaerobic sludge
treatment and energy recovery of biogas and also includes a conditional part.
concerning secondary treatment and treatment of sludge / biogas generated by the
corresponding secondary treatment. The completion of the conditional part is
subject to obtaining funding for this component from the European Union.
Tranche 2 (expansion of capacity by 2036)
is not part of this contract. In Tranche 1, the 2036 horizon will only be taken
into account in the design and securing of the space required for the
implementation of the works (obligation to leave sufficient free space on the
site to receive future development) as well as the design and sizing of the raw
water distributor at the entrance of the treatment plant.
The breakdown of Tranche 1 into sub-lots is
presented below, with a basic offer and a mandatory variant that are part of a
single lot (the bidder must answer all sub-lots). The tables also mention the
donors financing each sub-lot:
The BASIC OFFER includes the design and
implementation of the following:
Sub-lots Sources of Financing
1. General site layout, pretreatment,
primary treatment and primary sludge thickening 50% AFD 50% RVO
3a. Digestion and dewatering of sludge -
primary sludge only 50% AFD
50% RVO
4a. Biogas and cogeneration - primary sludge
only 100% State of Senegal
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